It's more than just a manual

Our Opel ECO-Training is more than a just manual to saving money. Here it’s also about driving pleasure. And a driving style, that doesn’t necessarily mean longer travelling time. When it comes to saving money and helping the environment through driving, it’s all about the small, easily forgotten details. Measurable details. For 75,- Euro.


I don’t brake – for the environment.


You want to participate in our ECO-Training on one of the proposed dates? No problem: just send an email to with the subject “ECO-Training”. We will contact you as soon as possible and send the booking documents. Different dates can also be arranged. Just send your preferred dates to the email address above and we will get back with you. We look forward to your registration.

+49 6142 911 9800

Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00

Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00

Lorem ipsum

XYZ Street



Training modules

This training conveys:


  • Theoretical basics of influences on fuel consumption
  • Technical basics of influences on fuel consumption
  • Necessary skills for consumption-optimized driving


The Goal


The trainings enable the participants to implement a fuel-saving driving style while considering appropriate traffic situations.


Real test drivers

Real Test Drivers.

 Opel driving and eco-trainings are led by our test drivers.

Every one of them is acquainted with economic driving and knows the energy saving traps and mistakes.

In our unique and exclusive ECO-Training our instructors teach an eco-friendly driving style that is fun and does not mean longer travelling times.

Program details

Here are the details of this unforgettable day:

Time slot A Time slot B
08:15 - 08:45 13:15 - 13:45 Arrival / Sign-in / Group Creation
08:45 - 09:15 13:45 - 14:15 1st lap per participant in your normal driving style. Trainers observe.
09:15 - 09:45 14:15 - 14:45 Theory Module / Break / Evaluation of the first measurement results.
09:45 - 10:15 14:45 - 15:15 2nd lap per participant with direct feedback from trainer
10:15 - 10:45 15:15 - 15:45 Coffee break / Evaluation of the 2nd lap / Feedback Talks
10:45 - 11:15 15:45 - 16:15 3rd lap per participant to put new skills into practice
11:15 - 11:45 16:15 - 16:45 Coffee break / Evaluation of the 3rd lap / Feedback Talks
11:45 - 12:00 16:45 - 17:00 Each group holds an individualized closing round of talks
  • First, the participants drive a lap of a marked course in the manner they usually drive. During this drive, a diverse series of measurements and data is recorded. The trainer observes and identifies initial areas of improvement.
  • In a short theoretical module the participants learn the fundamentals of eco-friendly, fuel-saving driving.
  • Based on the first set of recorded driving data, the trainer creates a set of driving tips for the next lap.
  • The participants drive the same course again. This time utilizing the fuel-saving driving tips and with direct feedback from the trainer. Once again, a series of measurements are made and driving data is recorded.
  • In the subsequent analysis of the recorded data, the improvement to the first lap is highlighted and further potential for improvement is identified.
  • With this knowledge, every participant drives a last lap in order put theory into practice once again and to reinforce the learning effect.
  • In the final round of feedback, the data from all three laps is evaluated, compared with each other and documented.

And in the end, everybody can see for themselves how the driving techniques that they have learned can lower fuel consumption and emissions by up to 20% – without losing time or having less fun!

Event schedule 2017:

  • Monday, May 17 (morning)
  • Monday, May 17 (afternoon)