Safety with fun – ADAM rookie training

If you’ve just qualified to drive and have your first car in the garage or are about to get one – Opel’s ADAM Rookie Training program is tailored to meet your needs.


Experienced instructors will teach young people all about driving dynamics, showing them the limits of the vehicle and, above all, their own limits behind the wheel – in other words, exactly what they won’t learn at a driving school.


The venue for ADAM Rookie Training is the Opel Test Center in Rodgau, which is otherwise not open to the public.


Buchen Sie hier Ihr Rookie Training für nur 250,- Euro buchen

+49 6142 911 9800

Montag - Feitag: 08:00 - 20:00

Samstag: 09:00 - 17:00

Lorem ipsum

XYZ Street



Training course modules

The course layout consists of slalom, parking maneuvers, curves and spot braking. Here participants’ skill levels are assessed. One participant drives with three others from the group in the car, whose task it is to distract the driver with music, conversation, etc. The goal is to experience the effects of distraction first-hand behind the wheel. It’s a common factor contributing to road accidents caused by young drivers. 
Emergency braking

The correct procedure for safe emergency braking is taught here at a range of speeds: 30, 50, 60, 70 km/h. 
Braking on different surfaces

One side of the vehicle brakes on a road surface with good grip, while the other side is on a slick surface. Participants will appreciate the benefits of modern ABS. This exercise is also carried out steering onto a road surface with good grip. The objective is for participants to become acquainted with problems caused by oversteer.

Evasive maneuvers
This is all about learning how to take evasive action to avoid hitting obstacles, when braking and not braking. The benefits of ABS and ESC in a modern car are experienced live. 
Guided Tour on the race track
Participants drive on a race track led by their instructor. They get to know the best lines to take, with the correct degree of braking, steering and acceleration. The goal is for participants to find a rhythm where they feel comfortable, increasing safety in everyday driving – for example, by using calm and sensitive steering. 
Simulated driving under the influence of alcohol
Participants will understand the negative effects that a blood alcohol level of 0.8 can have on the driver.


Special ‘alcohol glasses’ are used to simulate the effects, and participants are given simple driving tasks to accomplish. 
Dudenhofen Tour
Participants get an insight into the ‘secret’ world of vehicle development during a tour of the facilities at Dudenhofen.


Programmdetails fahrtraining – der ablauf des trainings


The goal of our Rookie Training program is not only to increase the driving safety of novices, but also to show them the sheer joy of driving. They will learn to drive more safely by understanding the complex handling of a vehicle.


The driving program includes emergency braking, evasive maneuvers and, finally, also a driving skills competition.

And it’s lots of fun! Especially when the training is carried out in a car that’s as young, cool and agile as the participants – the Opel ADAM.
08:45 Ankunft Opel Test Center
09:00 - 09:45 Anmeldung, Begrüßung + gemeinsames Frühstück + Theorie-Präsentation
09:45 - 12:00 Erster Teil des Trainingsprogramms
12:00 – 13:00 Mittagspause
13:00 – 16:00 Zweiter Teil des Trainingsprogramms
16:00 – 16:30 Verabschiedung, Zertifikatsübergabe + Kaffee & Kuchen


Zusammen mit unseren erfahrenen Instruktoren, bringen wir den Teilnehmer immer wieder mit großer Begeisterung den sportlichen und sicheren Umgang mit dem Auto näher. Erleben Sie gemeinsam die volle Dynamik der OPC Fahrzeuge. Ganz nach dem Motto OPC. Pure Passion.

Sascha Bert

Sascha Bert is responsible for conducting the OPC Performance Trainings.


In addition to his duties as a driving instructor, Sacha has also been a very successful circuit racer since 1988. He’s racked up many podium finishes, including third place in the overall ratings at the the Nürburgring 24-hour race, as well as various victories in FIA GT racing.

Tom Schwister

Tom’s career began in 1993 with kart racing. He quickly gained a lot of attention with his excellent performance and the industry was certain that they were watching an exceptional talent develop.

Following ten victories and six additional podium finishes, Tom won the BMW ADAC Formula Junior. After also being active in Formula 3, he decided to participate in the touring car championship Renault Clio V6 Trophy – with great success. Tom also took part in the V8STAR Series when it was new as well as in the GTP Series.

Today Tom works as a freelance instructor for various agencies, driving safety centers and race tracks. He works with customers across Europe, sharing his knowledge in safety training courses and vehicle presentations.

Dates and prices

The one-day ADAM Rookie Training program can be booked for 250 Euro for individuals, or under special conditions for groups up to 12 or 24 drivers. There is hardly a better way for young, newly-qualified drivers to enjoy the fun and fascination of the Opel brand.

Dates 2017:

  • Saturday, 20.05.2017
  • Saturday, 24.06.2017
  • Saturday, 26.08.2017
  • Saturday, 23.09.2017